Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Beginning

My backstory: At the moment I am a wine guy at a very large alcohol retail store.  However, I am soon going to switch gears to the world of beer....Woohoo beer!  So far I've had to do a lot of studying to learn all that I know about wine and now I get to start over.  Well I guess it's not the hardest subject to study so I'm not really complaining.  So welcome to my transformation from being a wine guy to The Beer Guy (I'm not sure how i can work a cape into this but I think I'm going to have to try).

So here's how I think this is going to work.  I know a good deal about some of the basic categories, and some of my posts will be big explinations of overarching characteristics, manners of brewing, and histories.  That's just the minority of irregular posts and I'll update them whenever I get new information.  Now, most of the posts will be, as they should be, beers.

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