Monday, April 11, 2011

The Great War

Everytime i post a beer that is corporately connected to miller coors our anheuser-bush I post a small warning saying as much.  The reason is because of a long story that pretty much any of my fellow beer geeks will be able to recall and reciet usually using fantastical hand gesutres making the victories of such breweries as sam adams and yuengling seem like infantry assaults.  Basically the crux of the issue is that when prohibition let up there were only a few beer companies that survived.  Anhueser-Bush, Miller, and Coors were three that managed to use that situation put themselves up as monopolies and suppress pretty much everyone else.  With only having 3 companies with three visions and three product lines kept creativity in the market to pretty much bare bones.  That seems to have lasted until the 80's when a few small guys managed to poke there heads out into the big scene without getting squashed (beats me how they managed that).  Since then things have blossomed wonderfully.  You can get just about any kind of beer made from the great US and we seem to be comming up with new categories all the time.  But those giants are still giant.  The guys that kept us down for so long would, loooove to do it again, due to the fact that being some of the only beer producers in the country was very...financially beneficial.   So, I personally steer clear of their products.

After this great long winded rant you might ask "then why rate them at all".  My reason is solely because they have well known beers and not all of them are bad beers.  It seems unfair to be bias like that.  Due to this fact I try to rate them fairly aswell.  It's impossible for any individual to be completely unaffect by the stuff in their head, but I do my best.

Anyway, If i post any beers from one of those two companies without bringing attention to the fact that that's who it is, just let me know and I will do the appropriate research and make the appropriate adjustments to the post.

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